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Expert Hearing Savannah Audiology
Worried about Hearing Loss? Let us know how we can help!

Our Approach

The loss of sound to the brain has long term effects on both children and adults. This can be caused from a variety of issues including genetics, age, loud noise exposure, or medical issues such as diabetes, heart disease, smoking, or small benign tumors on the hearing nerve; or something as simple as wax in the ear canal that blocks sound or middle ear fluid.

Mounting evidence has been documented about the long-term effects of untreated hearing loss and its link to earlier dementia or cognitive decline from lack of sound exercising the brain. Without communication and socialization, people become isolated and this can certainly lead to depression. Hearing loss has been called the silent epidemic; therefore, hearing healthcare should be part of a lifetime endeavor to live a longer quality of life.

With the importance of managing your hearing healthcare in mind, the means in which you receive this care is essential. In today’s medical world, we have noted that there is a lack of time or personal attention given to patients in all medical genres. Online responses, automated answers, and long wait times are a few examples of the limitations in our current healthcare environment. People need people…a caring professional that will provide in-person guidance on how to address their healthcare issues. We are determined to deliver a hands-on approach that focuses on the whole patient. Our goal is to provide exceptional personalized care at an affordable cost.