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Expert Hearing Savannah Audiology
Worried about Hearing Loss? Let us know how we can help!

Events & Community Involvment

October 2024

New Office in Savannah!

Our new office in Savannah is being built, we anticipate moving in at the end of 2024! Stay tuned for further updates!

Smart Women’s Event

Dr. Palmer and Timna attended the smart women’s luncheon that highlights breast cancer awareness. It’s a knock out! What an amazing speaker Laila Ali was today at the Smart Women’s Event ! So inspiring, and so many smart women in one big room! We were thrilled to be a part! No better cause for women than advancing excellence and touching lives for the Telfair mammography fund !!

Demystifying Dementia Event

It was standing room only! we are so grateful for the amazing audience, speakers and participation we had tonight at our Demystifying Dementia Event in conjunction with Coastal Care partners!

Dr. Richard Bodziner, Dr. Sanjay Iyer, and Dr. Cori Palmer all presented such vital information to understand how to navigate this complicated disease both for the patient and the caregiver.

we can’t wait to do it again next year for all those who could not attend… thank you from the bottom of our hearts for sharing your personal stories of courage !

Congratulations Claire!

We celebrated our patient care coordinator Claire’s engagement an upcoming marriage with a group dinner at a local restaurant Local 11 Ten

September 2024

Chamber of Commerce Expo:

Expert Hearing had a booth highlighting all of the special testing and services that are offered. We also attended the Chamber of Commerce new member gathering to connect and work with other local business owners.

National Balance Week:

Expert Hearing participated in a Wellness Center event to discuss the issues between hearing loss and a higher risk of falls, along with the importance of treating hearing loss.

Savannah Navy League:

Expert Hearing is proud to be a community sponsor for the Savannah Navy league! It was such a treat at my rotary today to hear Commander “Nate” talk about the importance of our community’s coast guard, navy league and port !

Savannah Philharmonic:

What a wonderful evening for Mozart and more! So happy that we can be a community sponsor for this talented group of wonderful musicians ! Hear the beauty of the beat !

Skidaway Island Kiwanis Club:

Dr. Palmer became a member of the Skidaway Island Kiwanis club and has spoken about hearing loss and it’s link to cognitive decline.

Thrive Assisted-Living Event:

Expert Hearing had an event at Thrive assisted-living to talk about the importance of treating hearing loss not only for communication for a long-term cognitive stability

Tinnitus Management:

We added to our cutting edge, technology and tools for tinnitus management to have Mahana tinnitus therapy as another tool to help manage tinnitus. As well highlighting the Lenire tinnitus device that is now being used in the United States with great success.