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Expert Hearing Savannah Audiology
Worried about Hearing Loss? Let us know how we can help!

What does my BRAIN have to do with my HEARING? The answer is EVERYTHING! 

By Dr. Cori Palmer, Expert Hearing  

Over the holidays, did you find yourself in a group of people struggling to understand what people were saying? Do you turn the television volume up to hear clearer only to become overwhelmed by sound effects?

While hearing loss is a crucial factor in how you hear, your brain plays the biggest role in understanding speech.  The traditional hearing test consisting of “listening to beeps” is not enough to evaluate how you really hear. There is much more involved in the processing and comprehending of speech; therefore, Expert Hearing has introduced state-of-the-art testing used by cutting edge facilities across the nation and unlike any in our area. These tests allow us to take the time to look at the entire hearing system. The results give both Dr. Timna and I a proper picture on how to best treat your hearing problems. 

 Examples of these tests include the following:  

  • QuickSin testing is used to determine how a patient understands speech in noise. Speech stimuli is presented while the background noise gradually increases to determine the level at which a patient begins to struggle.   
  • Audible Contrast Threshold uses modulated noise signals to determine how much ‘contrast’ a person needs to hear the difference between sounds thus predicting how background noise will interfere with a person’s understanding. 
  • Cognivue testing is used to determine speed of processing.  

Expert Hearing’s comprehensive test battery helps us to better determine the patient’s individual listening needs.  In understanding the brain’s role in hearing, it is also imperative to consider the role untreated hearing loss has on the brain. Research studies from well-recognized medical entities such as Johns Hopkins, The Lancet Commission have repeatedly documented that untreated hearing loss can lead to increased cognitive decline; up to three to four years earlier. In contrast, treating hearing loss is noted to be the most modifiable factor in slowing cognitive decline.  The latest studies show if we treat people with even mild hearing loss aged 45-65, it can be reversable. 

An annual audiogram should be part of your yearly evaluations; much like visits to the dentist, optometrist, and general practitioner. Expert Hearing has aimed to create personalized care unlike any other. Using the above noted testing, we can determine each patient’s individual needs. We have paired affordable, personalized care that is accessible and convenient.  While we call this concierge hearing healthcare; it does not have to come with a high price tag. What we mean by concierge is that our mission is to provide the best personalized care to all patients in an environment that benefits them and their healthcare the most. This might be in our office or in your home. Our mission as Doctors of Audiology is to help our patients protect their hearing and improve their overall healthcare!  

Call today to schedule your complementary comprehensive hearing evaluation.